Integrating immunoprecipitation with multi-step methods of proteomics sample preparation for mass spectrometry analysis has inherent challenges of time, contamination and sample loss. Preparing labeled samples over extended period with a complex method leads to variation in results especially when working with high sample throughput and small starting amounts of input material.
The PreOmics® / ChromoTek iST-Trap Kit enables the fast and efficient immunoprecipitation of GFP-Fusion proteins and the interaction factors followed by the innovative sample preparation for mass spectrometry based proteomics. All in less than 4 hours.
While standard proteomics sample preparation takes up to 44 hours – the same time as flying around the world non-stop, PreOmics® kits take the same time as flying from our Munich HQ to London or from Boston to Chicago. Increase your sample throughput, improve quality and produce reliable data. It’s as easy as i-S-T!
This solution is distributed by Chromotec: More info at