Smile! Protein and peptide sample preparation automated

Applications for Agilent Bravo

The challenge:

How do you bring further standardization, reproducibility and hands on time savings to proteomics sample preparation for  LC-MS analysis when you have already successfully addressed  the many challenges of time, sample contamination, sample loss and reproducibility?

The solution:

In conjunction with Agilent, PreOmics®' kits are suitable for use on the Agilent Bravo platform. Meeting the demands of reproducible, robust and sensitive proteomics sample preparation for LC-MS analysis, these applications allow research labs to partially automate proteomics processing, decreasing the hands on time.

Apply! Simple, streamlined workflows

1. Adding samples
Samples should be liquid, homogenates or a soft pellet.
2. iST kit setup
Add the appropriate iST kit components to Agilent Bravo.
3. Sample preparation
Protocols need to be programmed by an in-house specialist.
4. MS analysis
Inject samples into your LC-MS system.
5. Data analysis
Process your data to see improved peptide identities.


Fig 1. A) Distribution of proteins quantified in the 20-minute gradients of the 96 workflow replicates. B) Direct comparison of the two plasma samples to visualize the magnitude of IGHG4, IGHM, SHBG, and PZP in the background of the other quantified plasma proteins.
Fig 2. Color-coded Pearson correlation coefficients for thebinary comparison of the 96 technical workflow replicated. Pearson correlationcoefficients of up to 0.98 demonstrate high reproducibility.

The partially automated Agilent Bravo requires off-board centrifugation. The figures above show data generated on the Agilent Bravo in a partially-automated protocol, using 1 µL plasma with analysis on a Thermo Q-Exactive HF Orbitrap.





Improved sample quality
  • High reproducibility R2=0.9
  • Working range: 1-100 µg
  • Increased peptide and protein identifications


Sample preparation automated
  • Reduces manual processing steps
  • Generates standardized and highly reproducible proteomics LC-MS results
  • Applications for the PreOmics® protocols


Cleaner peptides ready for analysis
  • Dual clean up step removes hydrophilic and hydrophobic contaminants
  • Achieve ready-to-measure peptides
  • Reduce mass spectrometry downtime


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Applications for Agilent Bravo
Applications for Agilent Bravo
Applications for Agilent Bravo
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