Plan! Use PreOmics® products for your research

Setting the standard for protein and peptide based applications
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Cell lines
Model organisms
Plant tissues
Biological fluids
Mammalian tissues
FFPE tissues
Research and Discovery
Bioanalysis and targeted analysis

Research and Discovery

Research and discovery covers a wide range of experimental designs and investigations including:

● Bottom-up proteomics for changes in protein expression e.g. disease versus healthy or dosed versus placebo

● Biological mechanism understanding:      

o  Metabolic pathway elucidation      

o  Protein functionality pathway where one or more genes are silenced in one specific condition and global proteomic analysis is performed to compare silencing sample to a control/wild type sample      

o  Protein interaction studies e.g.protein : protein or protein: drug      

o   Protein localisation e.g. identification of cellular compartment or across a tissue slice tumour or healthy

Our iST kits are suitable for experiments with metabolic labeling or in label-free mode, whereas our iST-NHS kits are suitable for experiments with chemical labeling such as iTRAQ or TMT, the iST-BCT kits are suitable for processing biological fluids. Protocols are also available where immunoprecipitation is used for enrichment. Dedicated resources are shown below and our technical support team would be happy to help with advice.

Research and discovery covers a wide range of experimental designs and investigations including:

● Bottom-up proteomics for changes in protein expression e.g. disease versus healthy or dosed versus placebo

● Biological mechanism understanding:      

o  Metabolic pathway elucidation      

o  Protein functionality pathway where one or more genes are silenced in one specific condition and global proteomic analysis is performed to compare silencing sample to a control/wild type sample      

o  Protein interaction studies e.g.protein : protein or protein: drug      

o   Protein localisation e.g. identification of cellular compartment or across a tissue slice tumour or healthy

Our iST kits are suitable for experiments with metabolic labeling or in label-free mode, whereas our iST-NHS kits are suitable for experiments with chemical labeling such as iTRAQ or TMT, the iST-BCT kits are suitable for processing biological fluids. Protocols are also available where immunoprecipitation is used for enrichment. Dedicated resources are shown below and our technical support team would be happy to help with advice.

Applying the science
Find out more about the wide range of applications to which PreOmics technology has been successfully applied