Cheer! Real scientists with real opinions

Read how Dr. Danielle Swaney from UCSF & Gladstone Institutes successfully uses PreOmics' technology to get ahead in her research

Innovation in Proteomic MS Sample Preparation

Maximizing throughput, minimizing downtime

The challenge for a busy research group with many differing collaborators is how to ensure consistent sample quality going onto expensive MS instrumentation while minimizing downtime in cleaning and repair. Professor Swaney addressed this by having her group prepare all samples themselves; time-consuming but necessary. With the advent of PreOmics iST technology, she found a simple, fast method using routine lab equipment and yielding consistent high-quality results that anyone could perform with confidence. Now the PreOmics technology is a mandatory method for her collaborators to supply prepared samples for analysis and her group can spend their time concentrating on research and results.

Which challenges were you facing?

Like many proteomics labs, we work with a lot of collaborators. We usually prepare samples for our collaborators to ensure they are done correctly and result in high quality samples that don’t contaminate our instruments. However, standard sample preparation workflows take a lot of hands-on time to prepare samples for MS analysis.

How did PreOmics help you facilitate the situation?

We found the PreOmics kits  provide high-quality samples and MS data, but require only a fraction of the hands-on sample preparation time as conventional methods.

What was your Aha-Moment with PreOmics?

We quickly realized that these kits were so easy to use, and require equipment common to any lab, that we could now confidently have collaborators purchase the kits and prepare their own samples. It has saved us a lot of time, and now we can focus on more important aspects of our research.

What are your plans for the future?

We are really interested in taking  advantage of the high-reproducibility of this sample preparation approach for large-scale DIA experiments, where reproducible sample preparation is critical.

Why would you recommend PreOmics?

It’s like a mini-prep for proteomics! Not only are these kits easy to use, but  the resulting samples and MS data are of high quality. For example, we routinely observe missed-cleavage rates of <10%, far lower than conventional approaches.

Meet the author

UCSF & Gladstone Institutes

Danielle Swaney, PhD, Assistant Professor at UCSF, San Francisco, USA

Background information

Proteomics methods development,  particularly for post-translational modification analysis.

UCSF & Gladstone Institutes

Based in San Francisco’s Mission  Bay neighborhood, the Gladstone Institutes is an independent  state-of-the-art biomedical research institution that empowers its world-class scientists to find new pathways to cures.


To overcome unsolved diseases  through transformative biomedical research.


To drive a new era of discovery in  disease-oriented science and to mentor tomorrow’s leaders in an inspiring and diverse environment.